#1 Metal supplier in China
1,000+ metal shapes, grades, and sizes
Hot and Cold Rolled Steel, Aluminum, Stainless, Tool Steel, Brass, Bronze, Copper and more
Have your metal to your budget and project
No or small minimum order requirements, just order what you need
Fast delivery or Massive Inventory
The most competitive price and superb customer service

Yubi steel is a professional and excellent supplier and partner in stainless steel, high nickel alloy, aluminum alloy, and carbon steel.
Yubisteel is developing stronger and sustainable with the help and participation of our customers within ten years.
Now we are not only suppliers of products but also service exporters that we are treating our internal and external customers like family. It is our core idea to meet our customer requirements in the steel and aluminum industry.
Our Mission:
We shall offer an innovative solution to the product process, and create a premium service experience in profitable, valuable manners.
Our Vission:
Always follow trends of technology and market to enhance our productivity.
Our Promise:
Safety comes first! Safe production environment and safe product provided!
Come to join in Yubisteel team! Buy Yubisteel!
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Yubi Steel is the first choice!